Systemic Resonances and Interferences
Ljubljana, Slovenia
It is our great pleasure to announce the 11th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) 2022, to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from Wednesday 7 to Saturday 10 September, 2022.
Systemic resonances and interferences in a (post) pandemic, climate change and migration context in Europe
Change of relationships:
The development of (family) relationships in the 21st century is characterized by diversifications of (family) forms, structures, and life cycles and, also, by socio-economic divergences and polarizations. Read more
Change of tools, practices, and procedures:
As Peter Fonagy once stated: the new conflicts in counselling and therapy will no longer unfold between different psychotherapy schools – but between online and offline formats. Read more
Change of requests:
Yes, times have changed and the requests of clients as well. Read more
Change of context:
We are not working any more within the security of the four walls of our office. Read more

Homage to Mony Elkaim - a great European Family Therapist
Mony Elkaïm passed away on November 20, in Brussels, after a long battle with illness. To all those who knew him, Mony leaves the memory of a man with exceptional charisma, of a brilliant theorist, of an extraordinary therapist with unique intelligence and intuitions. He was a pioneer of family therapy, which he helped introduce in Europe.
Mony Elkaïm was an outstanding, internationally recognized trainer in systemic family therapy, stimulating the deployment of the sensitivity and skills of the many therapists he trained and supervised around the world.
Edith Goldbeter
Head of training, Institut d’Etudes de la famille et des Systèmes Humains, Brussels
More than 55 keynote
& invited speakers
More than 1000 participants
More than 400 individual presentations
More than 800 authors & co-authors